drawable-inline-array-tfrag: drawable-inline-arraysource
drawable-inline-array-trans-tfrag: drawable-inline-array-tfragsource
drawable-tree-dirt-tfrag: drawable-tree-tfragsource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
length: int16
data: drawable
time-of-day-pal: time-of-day-palette
arrays: drawable-inline-array
drawable-tree-ice-tfrag: drawable-tree-tfragsource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
length: int16
data: drawable
time-of-day-pal: time-of-day-palette
arrays: drawable-inline-array
drawable-tree-lowres-tfrag: drawable-tree-tfragsource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
length: int16
data: drawable
time-of-day-pal: time-of-day-palette
arrays: drawable-inline-array
drawable-tree-lowres-trans-tfrag: drawable-tree-trans-tfragsource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
length: int16
data: drawable
time-of-day-pal: time-of-day-palette
arrays: drawable-inline-array
drawable-tree-tfrag: drawable-treesource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
length: int16
data: drawable
time-of-day-pal: time-of-day-palette
arrays: drawable-inline-array
drawable-tree-trans-tfrag: drawable-tree-tfragsource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
length: int16
data: drawable
time-of-day-pal: time-of-day-palette
arrays: drawable-inline-array
tfrag-control: structuresource
num-base-points: uint32
num-shared-base-points: uint32
num-level0-points: uint32
num-shared-level0-points: uint32
num-level1-points: uint32
num-shared-level1-points: uint32
ptr-vtxdata: uint32
ptr-base-points: uint32
ptr-shared-base-points: uint32
ptr-level0-points: uint32
ptr-shared-level0-points: uint32
ptr-level1-points: uint32
ptr-shared-level1-points: uint32
ptr-draw-points: uint32
ptr-interpolated-0: uint32
ptr-shared-interpolated-0: uint32
ptr-interpolated1: uint32
ptr-shared-interpolated1: uint32
ptr-strip-data: uint32
ptr-texture-data: uint32
tfrag-data: structuresource
data: uint32
vector: vector
fog: vector
val: vector
strgif: gs-gif-tag
fangif: gs-gif-tag
adgif: gs-gif-tag
hvdf-offset: vector
hmge-scale: vector
invh-scale: vector
ambient: vector
guard: vector
dists: tfrag-dists
k0s: uint128
k1s: uint128
tfrag-dma: structuresource
tfrag-stats: structuresource
from: int32
to: int32
cnt: int32
tris: int32
tfaces: int32
tfrags: int32
dtris: int32
base-verts: int32
level0-verts: int32
level1-verts: int32
dma-cnt: int32
dma-dta: int32
dma-tex: int32
strips: int32
drawpoints: int32
vif: int32
tfrag-work: structuresource
base-tmpl: dma-packet
level-0-tmpl: dma-packet
common-tmpl: dma-packet
level-1-tmpl: dma-packet
color-tmpl: dma-packet
frag-dists: vector
max-dist: vector
min-dist: vector
color-ptr: vector4w
tr-stat-tfrag: tr-stat
tr-stat-tfrag-near: tr-stat
vu1-enable-tfrag: int32
vu1-enable-tfrag-near: int32
cur-vis-bits: uint32
end-vis-bits: uint32
src-ptr: uint32
last-call: uint32
dma-buffer: basic
test-id: uint32
wait-from-spr: uint32
wait-to-spr: uint32
near-wait-from-spr: uint32
near-wait-to-spr: uint32
tfragment: drawablesource
type: type
id: int16
bsphere: vector
color-index: uint16
debug-data: tfragment-debug-data
color-indices: uint32
colors: uint32
dma-chain: uint32
dma-common: uint32
dma-level-0: uint32
dma-base: uint32
dma-level-1: uint32
dma-qwc: uint8
shader: inline-array
num-shaders: uint8
num-base-colors: uint8
num-level0-colors: uint8
num-level1-colors: uint8
color-offset: uint8
color-count: uint8
pad0: uint8
pad1: uint8
generic: generic-tfragment
generic-u32: uint32
tfragment-debug-data: structuresource
draw-drawable-tree-dirt-tfrag(arg0: drawable-tree-dirt-tfrag, lev: level) => nonesource
draw-drawable-tree-ice-tfrag(arg0: drawable-tree-ice-tfrag, lev: level) => nonesource
draw-drawable-tree-tfrag(arg0: drawable-tree-tfrag, lev: level) => nonesource
Draw the normal tfrag tree! Added the lev argument for time-of-day integer times
draw-drawable-tree-trans-tfrag(arg0: drawable-tree-trans-tfrag, lev: level) => nonesource
edge-debug-lines(arg0: array) => nonesource
Draw edge debug lines
clip-restore() => nonesource
tfrag-details(arg0: tfragment) => nonesource
tnear-vu1-block: vu-functionsource
add-pc-tfrag3-data(dma-buf: dma-buffer, lev: level) => pointersource
Add PC-port specific tfrag data
add-tfrag-data(arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: int) => nonesource
add-tfrag-mtx-0(arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
add-tfrag-mtx-1(arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
tfrag-data-setup(arg0: tfrag-data, arg1: int) => nonesource
Set up a tfrag-data. This is loaded to VU1 memory. Arg1 sets abe (alpha blend enable)